***Author Ben Irvine’s description and analysis of lockdown events in the UK – and the extraordinary role the unions played that Boris Johnson was up against – important information and food for thought

I’ve started reading Ben Irvine’s work and, having lived through the covid lockdowns in the UK, what he has written certainly resonates. I am going to read further – but I’ve read enough to think it’s worth flagging up his

Our traitorous mainstream media – Tucker Carlson’s stating this reality loud and clear. His short monologue will go down in history as a classic example of the boy in the Naked Emperor story! But when will the tide publicly turn? We’re waiting for the truth to prevail. Others speaking truth to power via this post too.

Andrew Bridgen MP is indeed another boy pointing at the Naked Emperor of the debacle (wilful silence about covid-19 jab harms, deaths, and excess deaths) in the UK Parliament. He is also being vilified by the highest politicians in the

***Three year anniversary of the covid lockdowns – time to reflect or move on? What about accountability and inquiry into lockdowns and jab harms? And where did ‘flu’ go?

Dr Clare Craig provides a comprehensive summary/overview for her witness statement for a Covid Public Inquiry: https://twitter.com/threadreaderapp/status/1655500812787896320 This is a heartfelt description of Tonia Buxton’s experiences and thought processes from events these past three years. I can identify with her

***Another theory about ‘covid’ (and other diseases and vaccines) by Dr. Michael Yeadon – after all, various theories abound! Time might tell (though this is no guarantee) which theory is closer to the reality – or spot on…

Dr. Michael Yeadon is one of those brave individuals who has worked very hard with various warnings about the nature and potential harms of the covid jabs themselves from an early stage in the ‘pandemic’. His warnings are always heartfelt

***Are you an ostrich, a sheep, a blind-faith truster, a ‘hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil’ monkey, simply indifferent, complacent, cowardly, courageous, curious – or what? Because some people are working day and night to bring you evidenced information… Do you even care?

A heartfelt and passionate message speaking from the position of working hard to inform, and alert, others – regarding the truth of the global scenario… Some self-reflection is warranted – and probably some appreciation and thanks. Don’t take such ALERTERS

***’MISTAKES WERE NOT MADE – AN ANTHEM FOR JUSTICE’ written by Margaret Anna Alice and read by Dr. Tess Lawrie – the roles of the many participants…

This anthem is not long – please watch, listen and reflect: https://twitter.com/Jikkyleaks/status/1637389267864551424 Not a mistake – substances in chemtrails: https://twitter.com/nbreavington/status/1637588098769887233 Not a mistake – the planned pandemic: https://twitter.com/nbreavington/status/1637600292907646976 Not a mistake – deadly vaccines for many years: https://twitter.com/VigilantFox/status/1637514998401359875 Not a

***2) Disgraceful absence of parliamentarians when Andrew Bridgen MP raises the issue of covid jab injuries and deaths yet again in the House of Commons (17th March 2023) – high time the UK Parliament was officially disbanded pending a full national, independent inquiry!

Well folks, I am beyond disgusted. Andrew Bridgen speaks to an empty House of Commons on raising again the very, very serious issue of the high numbers of jab injuries and deaths in the UK and beyond: My speech in

***Jordan Peterson’s video statement: ‘Back Off, Oh Masters of the Universe’ – plus Elon Musk responds to Eva Vlaardingerbroek – “What rules do you want governments to change?” To stop the globalists pernicious take-over of course.

Jordan Peterson shares his analysis of the ‘presumptuous, power-mad, globalist utopians ‘ and the ‘utterly delusional leaders ‘ noting that ‘a clearer statement of totalitarianism inclination could hardly be better penned ‘ … This is an important analysis of the

***Drag Queen story time and various gender identification issues – and how this is affecting the school curriculum which may be hidden from the parents – alarm and outrage is justified

A poem for the times: https://twitter.com/thereclaimparty/status/1659229806523760640 This is not OK: https://twitter.com/debbiehepp/status/1660021711226413056 Now ‘Blue Peter’ – dearie me: https://twitter.com/FamEdTrust/status/1674356200115257344 I’m appealing to headteachers to stop the SRE curriculum immediately. Educators cannot afford to ‘wait’ until perhaps a transparent enquiry is conducted.

***”The Time for Ignorance is Over…People Need to See the Damage That’s Been Done…This is a Humanitarian Crisis” – Vaccine Injured and Bereaved ignored by the Mainstream Media and the UK Parliament

"The Time for Ignorance is Over" People Need to See the Damage That’s Been Done "This is a Humanitarian Crisis" As the the founder of CoviLeaks, Fiona Hine spearheaded the #TruthBeTold Covid Vaccine Victim Awareness Month campaign in January 2023.

***A very important presentation about the COVID vaccines and their manufacturing standards (the lack thereof) – and shocking information about the criminal cartel responsible for planning the ‘pandemic’ and vaccine regime. Why has the USA Department of Defense (and other countries) plotted against the world’s peoples?

In a nutshell… https://twitter.com/TrevorJukes1/status/1626249409062207488 This is a 25 minute video presentation that every citizen in the world should watch. Here’s your choice, don’t watch it and continue to bury your head in the sand (understandable, because we are in truly

***Common Law Constitution – if you are a responsible, compassionate, UK citizen concerned about holding those in (increasingly despotic) authority to account, I suggest spending some time reading the information and proposed actions of this organisation: the New Chartist Movement

The New Chartist Movement featuring the Common Law Constitution This is a very brief interview, but leaves one wondering, ‘How can the rights in the Constitution be translated in practical ways, in current times, for addressing all the unaccountable actions

***The spread of Low Traffic Neighbourhoods (LTNs), 15 Minute Cities – and the misappropriation of land (Dutch Farmers) – the undemocratic loss of travel freedoms and so much more – yet more unacceptable totalitarianism to control the people

The spread of Low Traffic Neighbourhoods (LTNs), and restrictions under different titles such as ’15 minute cities’, is yet another sign of authoritarian control of ordinary people against their wishes. Dearie me – the world is full of little despots

***Posts about the World Economic Forum (WEF), the World Health Organisation (WHO) – and similar sinister and unaccountable organisations. Who collaborates, manipulates, plots and pays to rule the world?

Heaven knows all the goings-on in organisations such as the WEF and the WHO are way above my head, but there are many discerning and knowledgeable people who report on developments featuring such organisations, including suspicious collaboration with government figures

*** ‘Before and After’ – short revealing video by Jeffrey Peel and Joel Smalley featuring statistics (graphs) of covid deaths from countries all over the world before and after the experimental injections. This is a reality check.

https://www.thenewera.uk/p/before-and-after This video and commentary raise very serious questions indeed as to whether any claims can possibly be made about ‘vaccine’ efficacy and the saving of millions of lives. Really? Thank you to Jeffrey Peel and Joel Smalley. Before and

***Christine Anderson MEP – a politician of integrity, courage, and one of few we can truly trust – talks to a full house about the criminal investigations underway

https://twitter.com/Hookie62/status/1613117581186965504 Christine Anderson has long since spoken clearly about the unacceptable and undemocratic events that have taken place in the European Parliament and elsewhere. She has not been a lone voice in the European Parliament – a handful of MEPs

***Over 17,000 physicians and scientists from all over the world state, ‘We declare, and the data confirm, that the COVID-19 experimental genetic therapy injections must end.’

https://twitter.com/GTSascha/status/1609962354904797184 “17,000 Scientists and Physicians warn that the COVID (Vaccines) Experimental Genetic Therapy Injections Must End. They cause far more harm than good. Vaccinated more at risk of disease and death. It damages the heart, brain, reproduction, lungs and immune

***1) Parliamentary call in the UK House of Commons for the complete and immediate withdrawal of the covid mRNA ‘vaccines’ (Dec 2022) – by Andrew Bridgen MP – and the subsequent parliamentary demonisation of Bridgen versus public support for him! A developing scenario … (including the Matt Hancock ‘Lockdown Files’)

This is an extremely important recording featuring MP Andrew Bridgen’s speech (13th December 2022) in the House of Commons calling for the complete and immediate withdrawal of the covid MRNA vaccines. In the earliest part of his speech he refers

***Does CVC refer to letters or sounds? Post by Debbie Hepplewhite written at first as a guest post for Dr. Kathryn Garforth of Garforth Education

The need to distinguish between consonant letters and vowel letters through teaching about ‘the alphabet’ compared to consonant sounds and vowel sounds through teaching about the ‘alphabetic code’ Teachers need to teach about both ‘the alphabet’ and ‘the alphabetic code’

***Trust the science. What’s really happening? “We have been unwittingly trusting the psychopaths.” Dr Aseem Malhotra’s hour long talk – essential information, not misinformation – a MUST watch as the covid vaccines should immediately be stopped pending transparent analysis

‘Has Big Pharma Hijacked Evidence Based Medicine?’ Twitter thread featuring links to the talk and responses: Dr Malhotra: “Watch, learn & share. We can overcome wilful blindness with the cold hard facts!” Major conference in Sweden – nothing in the

***The Floppy’s Phonics SSP programme post lockdown: Suggestions for teachers, teaching assistants and tutors working with ‘home’ – filling alphabetic code gaps, catching up and intervention as necessary

In England we have a ‘Coronavirus (COVID-19) catch-up premium’ which is Government Funded. All state-funded schools are eligible for pupils’ catch-up premium from Reception to Y11. Full information is available on the gov.uk page – click HERE If you are

***PART TWO: ‘The harmful legacy of multi-cueing and its evolution into look-alike reading – a secondary school perspective’ by Jacqui Moller-Butcher

For PART ONE of this topic, introducing Jacqui Moller-Butcher and her work and worries about ‘look-alike reading’, click HERE. The harmful legacy of multi-cueing and its evolution into look-alike reading – a secondary school perspective by Jacqui Moller-Butcher, June 2020

***How to find the one-stop route to Debbie’s work and Phonics International Ltd’s resources, guidance, training and further information linked to the reading debate: syntheticphonics.com

Over the many years that my husband David and I have provided resources, information, guidance and training, David has constructed various websites – and then, poor man, he has to keep re-constructing them because of advances in technology – phew

***2018 – The emphasis in England on early language, literacy and literature continues with the establishment of 34 ‘English Hubs’, an ‘English Hubs Council’ and the ‘English Hubs Training Centre’ involving the official promotion and funding of high quality Systematic Synthetic Phonics programmes and training

Anyone who knows me appreciates that I consider myself to be first and foremost a ‘practitioner’, that is a very, very practical person! It was years of being a teacher, tutor, mother, special needs teacher, headteacher, teacher-trainer, phonics consultant, educational


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