***Watch this short video by Dr Dan Neides – IT ENCAPSULATES QUESTIONS THAT ARE SO IMPORTANT – and then consider ‘what’s changed?’ considering the covid-19 toxic jabs that have killed so many with ZERO liability of the big pharma companies. Dr Neides summarises, ‘We must uncover the truth about vaccines’ – never a truer word – many of us are trying but we have corrupt and complicit governments and powerful other organisations and people!

23rd January 2024 – Jessica Rojas writes on X: ‘Dr. Dan Neides, former medical director and chief operating officer of the Cleveland Clinic Wellness Institute gives a tearful apology to the families he may have unknowingly harmed.’ https://twitter.com/catsscareme2021/status/1749399388235997203 For your

***Dr David Martin gives a short presentation to the European Parliament revealing the plans and crimes against humanity in the making in the US since the 1960s. This is yet another, essential, ‘MUST WATCH’. Our UK politicians have also been presented with this information – so now what?

18th January 2024 – I have already got links and references to the damning and shocking information provided by Dr David Martin on previous blog posts so I have been aware of his revelations for some time. By now, we

***7) 16th January 2024: Andrew Bridgen MP gives his strongest and most revealing speech in the UK Parliament to date – this is a MUST watch indeed! He really calls out the HUGE failings of the UK Government and Parliament – including their failure to investigate ‘excess deaths’… (and further developments – PM Rishi Sunak still claiming the covid jabs are “safe” in the House of Commons)

Dr John Campbell provides a video featuring only Andrew Bridgen’s very powerful speech informing the ‘Excess Deaths Debate’ on 16th January 2024. The link below also provides a direct link to the official ‘Hansard’ parliamentary record of the full debate.

***What did the creator of the PCR test, Dr Kary Mullis, say about its use? And what role did the test’s (mis)use play in driving up the numbers of people who were identified as ‘infectious’ – therefore being instructed to isolate leading to ‘contact-tracing’ and further enforced isolation …

Many people who use Twitter (now X) have known about Dr Kary Mullis’s statements about the effectiveness and (mis)use of the PCR test for a considerable time. The PCR testing regime has been used to drive the Covid-19 ‘pandemic’ narrative

***January 2024 – The UK Post Office scandal given wide publicity by an ITV four-part drama of the true story, ‘Mr Bates vs The Post Office’ – resulting in a public outcry, what will happen next?

8th January 2024 – The well-made ITV drama of this true and ongoing story has really hit the headlines in the UK and resulted in an upsurge of people (1.1 million) petitioning for ex-CEO of the Post Office, Paula Vennells,

***January 2024 – news about farmers’ protest in Germany… and in France… and other countries – the fight back is happening… The damage of ‘Net Zero’ and ‘reducing your carbon footprint’ is huge and challenges to this globalist and fear-mongering narrative are not represented in the mainstream media (censorship as usual)… A developing international crisis as farmers in other countries actively protest against their governments complete with their tractors!

6th January 2024 – Efrat Fenigson writes on X: ‘The German government announced Net zero “it’s only two weeks to save the planet” taxes on agriculture, and the farmers are giving the finger. They blocked roads and protested, which caused

***Satirist, Bob Moran, makes it clear that the tyranny imposed on ordinary people by political authorities (supported by others) was never acceptable ‘even if’ the covid jabs turned out to be ‘safe and effective’ as claimed. Read what he says about this …

I’ve copied and pasted what Bob wrote in his X message because I don’t want this to be ‘lost’. I think the point he makes is very important. Note that he makes his comments below in the context of him

***A 9 minute video presentation by Dr Denis Rancourt – a MUST WATCH – ‘unbiased hard data’ revealing that ‘there was no pandemic’ as seen from ‘all cause mortality data’ – ‘hard scientific facts from looking at the data’ – ‘we found the vaccines are a toxic substance’ – PLEASE WATCH… And watch the tiktok video of Trista – one of millions of victims… We need ALL heads to get out of the sand…

1st January 2024 – Dr Denis Rancourt via X writes: ‘It’s out. Let a scientist speak. Here is the 10-minute presentation I gave at the Christine Anderson @AndersonAfDMdEP and Eva Vlaardingerbroek @EvaVlaar“Make It Your Business” event in Ottawa on November


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