***Senator Malcolm Roberts – and his serious questions with regards to political events in Australia – including the harms of covid jabs. He raises the alarm about the global take-over plans of the World Economic Forum (WEF)

Senator Malcolm Roberts (‘One Nation’, Australia) is another brave soul who has spoken out loud and clear during this ‘covid’ period. This short speech speaks volumes – and it represents so many others across the world, not just the ‘One

***UK Government’s Counter Disinformation Unit

Government’s authoritarian overreach – featuring unaccountability and inhumanity to the children: https://twitter.com/lensiseethrough/status/1665061479761027075 The situation: https://twitter.com/Togetherdec/status/1665599331695751168 In The Telegraph: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2023/06/05/molly-kingsley-interview-covid-19-government-extremist/ Living in parallel worlds – the charade: https://twitter.com/WofEUnion/status/1669422098891132961


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