***Dr. Kimberley Biss: “After documents have come out on the Pfizer trials, there were bad outcomes. The miscarriage rate was 80%. Pfizer knew this and pushed the ‘vaccines’ anyway.” She noticed the miscarriage rate in her patients, had gone up by 100%.

10th March 2025: ‘Sudden and Unexpected’ flags up this video and information about the miscarriage rate following the covid jabs: https://x.com/toobaffled/status/1898688301671874828

***Fiona Rose Diamond: “Truth Be Told vaccine’ injured & bereaved send a message to the UK Government on their ‘Day of Reflection’ on Sunday 9th March 2025… We believe reflection demands TRUTH!”

Read the full statement and tributes to the jab injured and bereaved by ‘Fiona Rose Diamond’ via X: https://x.com/CoviLeaks/status/1899181353179979871 18th March 2025: Dr Clare Craig: “This deserves many more views” – (yes, indeed – this is a ‘must watch, heads

***March 2025: ‘The European Court of Justice ruled that doctors who pushed or administered the COVID injections are solely responsible for the consequences—because they were free to refuse. No hiding behind pharma. No blaming the government. Accountability is knocking, and it won’t stop at Europe’s door. Doctors in America, take note. Your turn is coming. Willful ignorance won’t be a defense.’ Dr Sherri Tenpenny

9th March 2025: Dr Sherri Tenpenny links to a video and states: ‘The European Court of Justice ruled that doctors who pushed or administered the COVID injections are solely responsible for the consequences—because they were free to refuse. No hiding

***Feb 2025 – REALLY SERIOUS: “Moderna has been found guilty by the UK regulator of serious Code breaches on so many occasions in the last six months we can no longer keep up…” [A thread featuring lack of ethics in the UK]

8th February 2025 – The fantastic Molly Kingsley (of UsForThem) flags this information up via X and states: ‘Moderna has been found guilty by the UK regulator of serious Code breaches on so many occasions in the last six months

***January 2025: REALLY IMPORTANT – ‘ESSENTIAL VIEWING FOR THE ENTIRE WORLD! What happened must never happen again. The perpetrators must be held accountable.’ New Australian Film – ‘WITNESS STATEMENT’

Thanks to Max Freedom for flagging up this incredible film that really should be shown the world over – thus far, it’s proving nigh on impossible to hold those responsible for this crime to account. Max writes: ‘ESSENTIAL VIEWING FOR

***January 2025 – About the UK Covid Inquiry – discussion and issues raised about the ‘serious shortcomings’

UK Medical Freedom on X writes: ‘UKMFA’s Dr Liz Evans was delighted to join @davidkurten to discuss serious shortcomings of @covidinquiryuk Module 4 hearings and unasked questions especially re medical ethics. @PVI_2024 @hartgroup_org @PerseusGroup_ @ClareCraigPath @MaidmentRos https://x.com/ukmfa1/status/1882412497887715583 More on the

***9th January 2025 – My response, locally, to the invitation/appointment for my husband to get his ‘COVID-19 Vaccination’…

UPDATE 17th January 2025: Rupert Lowe MP describes the appalling governmental responses to COVID-19, and the conflict of interest of the MHRA regulatory authority – via this short parliamentary video: https://x.com/RupertLowe10/status/1879951159756194225 “The Government anticipated a £1.7 billion bill for injuries

***December 2024 – ‘The Conservative Woman’ is packed full of critical analysis and evidence. Here is the TCW team’s pick of their 2024 blogs starting with ‘For services to wrecking Britain, the covid conmen landing top jobs’ by Professor Angus Dalgleish… (recommended as a ‘must read’)

‘The Conservative Woman’ has provided an important source of information (for which I, and others, are most appreciative) – much of which is highly unlikely to have been covered transparently, or at all, in the mainstream media – and certainly

***December 2024 – NET ZERO – The government’s own website shows that so far ‘British Tax payers have paid & committed to paying £328 BILLION in Net zero subsidies’

Bernie flags up a video from The Sceptic scrolling through the data of Net Zero spending… https://x.com/Artemisfornow/status/1869666930560524480 Other posts featuring the topic of Net Zero, here: https://debbiehepplewhite.com/so-called-green-or-ethical-solutions-are-not-solutions-at-all-who-is-being-duped-and-what-could-the-solutions-be/

***The powerful and courageous testimony of the ‘American Frontline Nurses’ reporting on the observed harms of remdesivir, covid jabs and basic-care neglect…

19th December 2024 – Freyja flags up this powerful and moving testimony of the ‘American Frontline Nurses’ stating: ‘This happened. Now it’s being swept under the rug. Unbelievable.’ https://x.com/FreyjaTarte/status/1869009666686304720 The link below leads to further information featuring various damaging (including

***December 2024 – Senator Malcom Roberts (Aus) ‘warned us of this tyranny’ and now “In the UK, a chilling trial of a carbon credit system has laid bare the future the globalist agenda envisions—a world where your ability to live freely is micromanaged.” Jim Ferguson on X

Jim Ferguson flags up on X writes (video of Senator Malcom Roberts speaking included): ‘In the UK, a chilling trial of a carbon credit system has laid bare the future the globalist agenda envisions—a world where your ability to live

***December 2024 – Is the political landscape in the UK on the brink of a major change from the previously dominant two-party system (Labour v Conservative)? Will Nigel Farage and Reform cause that change?

Linda Holt flags up a piece in the Daily Mail written by well-known political commentator, Andrew Neil. Linda states: ‘@afneil is one of our most perceptive commentators on UK politics. He gets @reformparty_uk and @ReformUKScot ‘s appeal. Amazing that so

***1st December 2024 – Sonia Poulton on the ‘ARLA BACKLASH’ – ordinary people voting with their feet in protest against the experimental introduction of ‘methane cutting’ additives in well-known supermarkets and dairy product brands…

Sonia Poulton is an experienced, hard-working and honest independent journalist and commentator – and she has been for many years with investigations often where no mainstream journalist chooses or dares to tread. Sonia writes this regarding the latest ‘methane cutting’

***25 November 2024 – International experts call for immediate suspension of COVID-19 modified mRNA vaccines via a ‘letter to the Danish Prime Minister, Mette Frederiksen, and the Danish Minister of Health, Sophie Løhde… …citing the serious health concerns expressed by an international group of politicians and leading medical and other experts in a letter to the Heads of State of 10 European countries (Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Greenland, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Sweden and the United Kingdom).’

It’s good to see some of the UK pioneers (and others whose pioneering we recognise) in the list provided by Malue Montclairre who states via X: ‘International experts call for immediate suspension of COVID-19 modified mRNA vaccines Today, 25 November,

***6th November 2024: We held our breath – and Donald Trump won the USA Presidential election – now can there be hope and accountability? What will change as a consequence of this extraordinary achievement?

Let’s start off with: ‘FULL SPEECH: Trump declares victory in 2024 presidential election’ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Id4jLxr4h0Y 27th November 2024 – There are a number of positive and ‘hopeful’ appointments for the forthcoming Trump presidency with the aspiration to hold various organisations to

***31 October 2024: State of Idaho – no more covid jabs available in one of the state’s largest districts after hearing critical insights from leading doctors on safety concerns

Dr Sherri Tenpenny flags up this very important development – short video to watch: ‘Idaho leading the way! No more Covid jabs available in one of the state’s largest districts after hearing critical insights from leading doctors on safety concerns.

***The most extraordinary, powerful, other-worldly and moving performance by Elyanna praying for Palestine – The Olive Branch – a Lullaby for Peace

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FC5N94dMwHo I pray for all people oppressed, injured, starved, orphaned, abandoned and murdered by Those In Power – regardless of their nationality, religion, culture, motives. My thoughts are that there is a clear need to distinguish between Good and Evil

***The Pfizer Documents with thousands of side effects they tried to have sealed and hidden – and Naomi Wolf’s book ‘The Pfizer Papers – Pfizer’s Crimes Against Humanity’

21st October 2024 – Natalie Norma Burea flags up the Pfizer ‘Side Effects’ stating – click on the link for information about Naomi Wolf’s book: ‘These are the released Pfizer Documents with the thousands of Side Effects that they desperately

***October 2024: Findings and warnings in Australia about DNA contaminated Pfizer and Moderna ‘vaccines’ 145 x higher than levels deemed safe by the TGA… New motion to “Call for an immediate suspension of the Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 products:

14th October 2024: Lion Heart and Humanspective flag up the following (click on links to see in full): ‘NEW. HISTORIC MOMENT IN AUSTRALIA. The action that results from this could end up sweeping the World A new motion brought by

***Sept 2024 – Robert F. Kenney Jr asked Anthony Fauci which of the 72 vaccines had been subject to a safety test… Anthony Fauci refused to show evidence, so RFK sued him… After a year of stonewalling, Fauci finally admitted… NOT ONE SINGLE VACCINE WAS SUBJECTED TO A SAFETY TEST

20 Sept 2024 – Jack Straw flags up this short video of RFK Jr referring to childhood vaccines: https://x.com/JackStr42679640/status/1836925994390933787 Here is an earlier post from May 2024 featuring a recommended reading list by Dr Denis Rancourt – so you can

***Aug 2024 – News about successful local fight back described by the Together organisation: ‘Govt Renews War on Mobility… But “Low Traffic Neighbourhood” Roadblocks Are Falling Like Dominoes All Over the UK’

28th August 2024 – This update report was sent to me via email from the Together organisation: ‘New transport secretary Louise Haigh has just said that the amount of taxpayer money Labour intends to funnel into cycling and walking will

***25 July 2024 – Jo Rogan and Jordan Peterson in conversation: “I’ve never seen anything worse than what’s happening right now. And that includes the sorts of things that were done in the camps in Germany. At least the goddamn Naz*s admitted what they did was wrong. They tried to hide it. We trumpet it as a moral virtue.” (Peterson)

The Vigilant Fox flags up this snippet of conversation (less than 3 mins) between Jo Rogan and Jordan Peterson: ‘If you only have 3 minutes to watch Joe Rogan’s podcast today, this is the 3 minutes you need to see.

***EXTREMELY IMPORTANT: ‘Dr. Stanley Plotkin, the world’s leading vaccinologist, and his disciples, have just capitulated. After decades of claiming vaccine safety is robustly studied, they just admitted it is not, neither before nor after licensure.’

11 July 2024 – Aaron Siri, corroborated by Robert F. Kennedy Jr, writes this (and much more, with links, check out the X thread): ‘Dr. Stanley Plotkin, the world’s leading vaccinologist, and his disciples, have just capitulated. After decades of

***Testimony of ‘interference with research’ – Dr Sabine Hazan, “What I saw with this pandemic is not science” (referencing hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin, microbiome – important information that was suppressed) … and more …

June 2024 – Thank you to (Ex Dr) David Cartland (a brave whistleblower and truth-seeker in the UK) for flagging up this brilliant and important video (not long) of Dr Sabine Hazan describing her research findings – and the suppression

***A MUST WATCH: This 40 min video discussion featuring Andrew Bridgen MP and Liz Gunn (New Zealand) is really important and actually honours the importance and serious nature of Andrew’s challenges in the UK and also internationally – HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!

Andrew Bridgen is a very brave and rare individual who has been expelled from the Conservative party, ridiculed and ignored in the UK Parliament – and yet Andrew speaks truth to power and truth to the British people. One of

***19 June 2024 – Dr William Makis: “BREAKING NEWS: In 2023, The LANCET censored & CANCELLED a ground-breaking COVID-19 Vaccine Injury & Autopsy paper within 24hr after 100,000s downloads. It has just passed peer review & will be PUBLISHED! 74% of sudden deaths due to COVID-19 Vaccine!” …And more (such as dangers from the HPV jab) …

Watch the very short video statement of William Makis MD, “There is going to be a tsunami of evidence…. politicians should get ahead of this now…”. Dr Makis is pointing out that there is no stopping this evidence coming to

***June 2024 – Dismantling the World Health Organisation (WHO) with Dr Astrid Stuckelberger. And, Dr Martin describes Bill Gates (and others) involvement…

3 July 2024 – Neil Oliver starts a thread featuring the work of Bill Gates and others – and their interconnections. Check out the thread and see what Dr David Martin describes about these interconnections (4 minute video): https://x.com/thecoastguy/status/1808220399152648545 Dr

***THIS IS HUGE!!! US: NEWS RELEASE JUNE 17, 2024: The Vires Law Group, in conjunction with the Edward L. Tarpley, Jr., APLC and with the support of the Former Feds Group Freedom Foundation, has announced the submission of criminal referral requests to the District Attorneys of nine Louisiana parishes to initiate criminal investigations against Dr. Anthony Fauci, Rochelle Walensky, Francis Collins, Deborah Birx, Peter Daszak, Rick Bright, Robert Redfield, Stephen Hahn and Cliff Lane for alleged crimes committed against Louisiana citizens preceding and during the COVID-19 pandemic. AND MORE OF THE INTERNATIONAL FIGHTBACK FOR ACCOUNTABILITY…

Truth Justice flags up this enormously important development (and click on the link to see the video of RFKennedy Jr speaking about this: ‘DOCTORS WHO MURDER: U.S. Attorneys Officially Send Criminal Referrals of Murder, Terrorism, Human Trafficking, Kidnapping and other

***June 2024 – Greenpeace co-founder, Dr Patrick Moore, on Net Zero/Green New Deal: “It’s a recipe for mass suicide… Why would anyone vote for something that was going to result in the death of nearly all humans on Earth?”

Why indeed! Wide Awake Media shares a short video clip: “It’s a recipe for mass suicide.” Greenpeace co-founder, Dr. Patrick Moore, on Net Zero/the Green New Deal. “Why would anyone vote for something that was going to result in the

***June 2024 – Dr Vernon Coleman summarises the past four years – Ironically, this elderly gentleman surely equates to the little boy in the Naked Emperor fable…

Dr Vernon Coleman’s videos and books have been widely censored. That speaks volumes. I watched some of his earlier work and everything he said and predicted has come to pass. Respect: https://www.bitchute.com/video/APuAodvrDeub/ Vernon’s website: https://www.vernoncoleman.com

***June 2024 – At last, the issue of covid-19 jabs causing ‘excess deaths’ is hitting the mainstream media in the UK – and news about further developments internationally…

7 June 2024 – Dr Aseem Malhotra declares: ‘Almost 4 million views of this tweet. Let the TRUTH continue to rip’ This references the heading, ‘Covid jabs may be to blame for increase in excess deaths’ in The Telegraph: https://x.com/DrAseemMalhotra/status/1798979877456273778

***Swiss cardiologist Thomas Binder: “Enough is enough… This modified RNA genocide is the greatest crime in human history, a humanitarian disaster of unprecedented proportions. Currently, the pharmaceutical industry is working on transferring all vaccinations to the modified RNA vaccine platform.” Also references to the ‘Infected Blood Scandal’ in the UK…

Swiss cardiologist, Thomas Binder, calls for the abolishment of the WHO. “Enough is enough!” Watch this short but damning video statement by cardiologist Thomas Binder – and look at the content in the various responses: https://x.com/thehealthb0t/status/1792750008409960784 21 May 2024 –

***May 2024 – Dr Denis Rancourt’s list of recommended reading of the research into vaccines – and examples of babies, children and adults killed by vaccines…

Are you open-minded enough (and concerned enough) to read up on ‘vaccines’ – their history, the ‘science’, their efficacy, their potential benefits versus harm? This is something many people wouldn’t have even considered doing prior to the covid-19 ‘vaccines’ –

***May 2024 – Short documentary featuring the high incidence of injuries and deaths across the world from the HPV vaccination given to young girls routinely

A new documentary written and narrated by Joan Shenton and directed by Andi Reiss ‘How young girls are being seriously damaged by the vaccine with the highest reported adverse reactions of any existing vaccine‘ https://www.sacrificialvirgins.org The video above (a relatively

***6th May 2024 – Dr Tess Lawrie announces, “Swiss Solicitor Philipp Kruse delivered Notices of Liability to four individuals at the World Health Organisation today.” And further developments…

Dr Tess Lawrie and team fight back on the world’s behalf. Watch the short video statement by Solicitor Philipp Kruse and follow the X thread for any developments… https://twitter.com/lawrie_dr/status/1787448205996605689 14th May 2024 – UK Parliament debate about the WHO Pandemic

*** 9) 18th April 2024 – ‘EXCESS DEATHS DEBATE’ – Watch Andrew Bridgen’s full speech in the UK House of Commons. They tried to cut down his speech to half the allocated time ten minutes before his presentation (to an almost empty room) – this is the despicable state of Parliament in the UK. Plus, links to extensive information about covid jab harms and deaths …

18th April 2024 – Andrew Bridgen addresses the gathered crowd outside Parliament following his speech, “They tried to half my speech today in the Chamber…” https://twitter.com/StarkNakedBrief/status/1780996886251352469 This is a very short video clip of Andrew calling for a complete withdrawal

*** “Corporate, psychopathic, tyranny” Dr Aseem Malhotra’s two-hour testimony in the Helsinki district court to expose the ‘corporate, psychopathic, tyranny’ of the biggest medical crime in modern times … (And further international revelations)

12th April 2024 – I do hope Dr Aseem Malhotra’s testimony, amongst others, will finally turn the corner to expose perpetrators and bring some justice. Dr Malhotra writes: ‘BREAKING: About to enter the Helsinki district court for my 2 hour

***Professor Masayasu Inoue, Professor Emeritus of Osaka City University Medical School, delivers sincere and severe warning, “The pandemic was used as a false pretext by the WHO to drive vaccinations of all peoples in the world.” He says the fraudulent use of “experimental gene therapy to healthy people” was not only an “extreme violation of human rights,” but “the result was the induction of the terrible drug-induced injury that has never [been] seen in human history.” He describes political developments in Japan for the production of further, dangerous ‘vaccines’ for ‘disease X’

11th April 2024: Thank you to Vigilant Fox for featuring this important, science-informed message via a short video statement by Professor Masayasu Inoue. As always, do read the responses too: ‘Japanese Professor Delivers Stunning Message Everyone Needs to Hear “The

*** April 2024: ‘Spring and Resurrection’ by Emanuel E. Garcia M.D. (and more) – NewZealandDoc’s Newsletter – everyone should read this… And a powerful, heartfelt, evidence-informed, four year summation by Dr Claire Craig – a ‘must watch’…

This was sent to me by one of my amazing sisters to ‘circulate widely’ – and I couldn’t agree more that this is a ‘must read’ – written from the heart without a doubt: https://newzealanddoc.substack.com/p/spring-and-resurrection?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=1144743&post_id=143123535&utm_campaign=email-post-title&isFreemail=true&r=ufmur&triedRedirect=true&utm_medium=email ‘Spring and Resurrection – the

*** ‘…we scored a huge win for doctors and patients across the country, as the FDA settled in the case that our own Dr. Paul Marik, as well as Dr. Mary Talley Bowden and Dr. Robert Apter brought against the agency, and acknowledged that it will pull down all social media and website posts that relate to using ivermectin for COVID-19. It is categorically clear (and now legal precedent via the Fifth Circuit ruling): the FDA is not a physician and cannot interfere in the practice of medicine. Per Dr. Marik, “This vindicates our position that the FDA overstepped its regulatory authority by trying to dictate appropriate medical care.” With this settlement, the FDA effectively lost its war on ivermectin.’ 

26th March 2024 – John Bowe flagged up this very important development stating: ‘Dear John, Late Thursday night, we scored a huge win for doctors and patients across the country, as the FDA settled in the case that our own

***Mike Yeadon’s letter sent to Ben Bates of the Metropolitan Police – Mon 11th March 2024: ‘Introductory statement about serious crimes per Mark Sexton communication’

From: MikeYeadon Date: On Mon, Mar 11, 2024 at 22:56 Subject: Fw: Dr Mike Yeadon: Introductory statement about serious crimes per Mark Sexton communication To: Ben.Bates@met.police.uk Ben.Bates@met.police.uk Cc: Mark Sexton Dear Ben Bates, I have been asked by former policeman,

***8) Calls for investigating the regulators – long overdue! Listen to Mark Sexton, “They all knew, they’ve all got blood on their hands”… Plus: Extremely serious letter to Metropolitan Police from Andrew Bridgen MP… Mark lists the crimes which amount to TERRORISM. See his 19th March video.

27th February 2024 – In England’s context, UsForThemUK flags up this development: ‘A watershed moment to see this in mainstream press. Well done @Telegraph @sarahknapton “The MHRA oversees a failing system that is slow to act, causing harm to patients

***’Deaths During the “First Wave” of the Pseudopandemic Were Caused by Iatrocide’ by Patricia Harrity (The Expose, Feb 2024) – Iatrocide: The act of killing a patient by medical treatment

3rd February 2024 – Please view the article via the link below and support ‘The Expose’ in its provision of independent journalism: https://expose-news.com/2024/02/01/deaths-during-the-first-wave-of-the-pseudopandemic-were-caused-by-iatrocide/ There is some fundamentally important information in this article, and as the World Economic Forum (WEF) and

***Watch this short video by Dr Dan Neides – IT ENCAPSULATES QUESTIONS THAT ARE SO IMPORTANT – and then consider ‘what’s changed?’ considering the covid-19 toxic jabs that have killed so many with ZERO liability of the big pharma companies. Dr Neides summarises, ‘We must uncover the truth about vaccines’ – never a truer word – many of us are trying but we have corrupt and complicit governments and powerful other organisations and people!

23rd January 2024 – Jessica Rojas writes on X: ‘Dr. Dan Neides, former medical director and chief operating officer of the Cleveland Clinic Wellness Institute gives a tearful apology to the families he may have unknowingly harmed.’ https://twitter.com/catsscareme2021/status/1749399388235997203 For your


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