12th April 2024 – Revealing historic video footage flagged up by Restitutor Orbit on X who writes:

‘How the UN will use the manufactured climate crisis to install a totalitarian one world goverment.

This is the most comprehensive breakdown i’ve ever heard, covers the treaties involved, Obamas visit to China & names the UN as a global totalitarian communist project.’

Do watch this video in full which sets the scene of plans for global domination using the pretext of climate alarm. This video provides some very revealing and important information about the whole climate crisis scam which, as we know, changes its focus and name as time goes on to engender fear – as is the way of the rich and powerful:


Below is an earlier post featuring Climate Change, Net Zero, the Farmers’ Protests (various countries) and other related events and issues:


More concern about chemtrails:


14 June – 2024: An article on climate change by Elizabeth Nickson:

“Climate Change” is a $100 Trillion Wealth Transfer from the Poor to the Rich


*** ‘How the UN will use the manufactured climate crisis to install a totalitarian one world government’

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