UPDATE 17th January 2025: Rupert Lowe MP describes the appalling governmental responses to COVID-19, and the conflict of interest of the MHRA regulatory authority – via this short parliamentary video:
“The Government anticipated a £1.7 billion bill for injuries caused by the coronavirusvaccine, the Covid Inquiry has heard…..
FURTHER UPDATE: 22nd January 2025 – The ‘Together‘ organisation circulates information about this petition in Wales exceeding the requisite 10,000 signatories for the Welsh Senedd to discuss the issue of jab harms: https://petitions.senedd.wales/petitions/246262
‘Made it: petition on vaccine harms hit 10,000 signatures; to be considered for debate
The petition to the Welsh Senedd calling for better diagnosis and treatment for people suffering from adverse reactions to the Covid-19 vaccine closed just before Christmas with well over 10,000 signatories by the deadline.
Well done to everyone who signed the petition and forwarded it to family, friends and colleagues.
It is now being considered by the Petitions Committee for debate in the Senedd.’
23rd Jan: So look what happens next in Wales – Dr Clare Craig writes:
‘Wales Senedd decide not to talk about vaccine injury because there is an inquiry. Really? What are these politicians for if not to represent people, especially those the system itself has harmed?’
And Mike Fairclough posts this, ‘The UK Government now admits that it knew the people would be injured by the Covid vaccines before they were rolled out’:
On the 24th December 2024, my husband received a hard copy letter to attend a local clinic for his ‘COVID-19 Vaccination Appointment’ (we live in West Wales) which stated:
‘Having a COVID-19 vaccine is the best way to protect yourself from serious illness and reduce the number of hospital admissions and deaths. People who are vaccinated are less likely to be admitted to critical care with COVID-19.
Millions of doses of COVID-19 vaccine have now been given in the UK and around the world – the vaccines are safe and effective.’
The notion of ‘parallel worlds’ occurred to me considering I have spent some considerable time accruing information from around the world on my ‘Naked Emperor’ blog. This includes evidence from around the world of a very high level of injuries and deaths from these experimental-jabs from data analysis as well as the personal testimony of whistleblowers and injured and bereaved people – and a significant number of experienced people in the field of science and medicine, and politicians, who have called for the complete withdrawal of these mRNA jabs including here in the UK.
Any Jo Public that does not follow international developments in the way that some of us do will of course blindly, and understandably, turn up for such an appointment in GOOD FAITH. But, of course, like many others, I no longer have good faith in the National Health Service (UK) nor in politicians.
I had already approached my local MP with concerns about the ‘covid pandemic’ and the medical responses to it. I’ve also written to him about my concern regarding the danger of the HPV jab – another intervention with a poor track record of harms – many even questioning ‘why’ it is given in the first place (and now to boys, not just girls). So, I wrote this to the ‘Communication Hub’ in response to my husband’s invitation:
‘To whom it may concern,
My husband has just received an invitation to get a further ‘COVID-19-vaccination’ via ‘Meldan Theatre, Batch House Road, Cardigan, Ceredigion SA34 1JR.
To be honest, I’m absolutely incredulous that you continue to invite people for this experimental jab.
Have you heard nothing about the very high incidence of jab harms and deaths these past four years? If not, that beggars belief.
Indeed, one of our very healthy male friends suffered guillan barre syndrome as a consequence of the jabs, another young male relation had heart problems, a relation and neighbours had severe and continuous migraine, several friends questioned the timing and events of deaths of their parents, another had strange bleeding overnight with blood etc on his pillow, and on another matter – the HPV jab – another young male relative was paralysed for two days. The HPV jab is another highly worrying substance with class action lawsuits in at least two countries.
Another relative, a nurse, reports the shocking increase of patients with cancers and unusual illnesses over and above previous incidences.
Have you heard nothing about the total failure of the past and present Parliamentarians in officially addressing the wealth of information and questions regarding the jab harms and deaths?
If not, I think you should be aware and discuss this with medical colleagues and associates.
Your medical duty should surely be ‘first do no harm’. There is now plenty of information regarding the dire consequences of the covid jabs.
There is also much information about the origin of ’the virus’ and the origin and cover-ups of the huge range of harms from Pfizer and Moderna jabs. Much of this is available via links at my blog, some examples below.
Do you inform people that you invite for these jabs about the risk of serious harms and possible death before you inject them so they are genuinely given the opportunity to give ‘fully informed consent’?
Here are some findings and developments from around the world for your information in case you are genuinely unaware.
There are multiple posts on my blog of international data analysis and substance (of the covid jabs) analysis:
There are multiple posts about the scenario in the UK – here is just one example:
The Accountability Deficit:
The covid jabs have been withdrawn/banned in some countries and states:
There are thousands of doctors and scientists internationally that have called for the covid jabs to be withdrawn. This information is also available via my website.
By me sending you this extensive and conclusive record of information available via my blog, you can no longer claim any form of ignorance of the harms and deaths caused by covid jabs moving forwards.
I have copied in Ben Lake MP so that he, too, has a bank of information and evidence and cannot claim ignorance about covid jab harms and deaths – and developments internationally – and the complicity and corruption of the mainstream media in not matching the sharing of such important information. I urge Ben to share this with his political colleagues so they, too, cannot claim that they ‘did not know’.
The definition of ‘democide’ in the Collins dictionary is:
in British English
the killing of members of a country’s civilianpopulation as a result of its government’s policy, including by direct action, indifference, and neglect
Collins English Dictionary. Copyright © HarperCollins Publishers
It seems to me that our government past and present is culpable of democide.
Are you?
So much for ‘first do no harm’.
Yours sincerely,
Debbie Hepplewhite
Today (9th January 2025), I received this email in response:
‘Good afternoon Debbie,
Thank you for your email forwarded to me by the Communication Hub. As your email states your husband has received an invitation for a Covid 19 vaccination, should your husband wish to opt out of future Covid vaccination programmes, please could he contact the Communication Hub on ask.hdd@wales.nhs.uk or 0300 3038322. This will then cease any further Covid invitations from the Health Board being sent out.
Kind Regards,
Ginny Morgan
Senior Nurse Health Protection and Immunisation
Hywel Dda UHB
Tel | Rhif Ffon: 07385 931914
Email | E-bost ginny.morgan2@wales.nhs.uk
Here is my response the same day:
‘Hello Ginny,
Thank you for your reply.
Since I sent my message and information, my husband has received a further letter with an appointment for a covid jab. Of course he is but one person and does not, and will not, turn up for his injection.
You haven’t responded to the point I made, and the links I have provided, however, regarding the known and numerous injuries and deaths from the various covid jabs. These are on record – including the call from many (thousands in fact) of people with the requisite knowledge and qualifications who have called for the withdrawal of these potentially dangerous injections.
See here, for example, to keep things simple:
This means that you, your organisation, and our MP, and our UK government – are all complicit and/or in wilful ignorance of the continuation of these mRNA injections.
Be it on your own conscience. I don’t know how you all sleep at night.
Best wishes,