18th April 2024 – Andrew Bridgen addresses the gathered crowd outside Parliament following his speech, “They tried to half my speech today in the Chamber…”


This is a very short video clip of Andrew calling for a complete withdrawal of the mRNA toxic ‘vaccines’ for humans and for animals. Anti Lockdown Alliance (GLOBAL) states via X (and watch the Speaker’s response):

‘ON BBC PARLIAMENT…@ABridgen calls for the mRNA treatments to be immediately withdrawn to massive cheers from the public gallery in parliament. The home of ‘democracy’.


The full speech of Andrew Bridgen (19 minutes):


Hearts of Oak flags up Danny Kruger’s contribution to the debate (13 minutes):

‘Andrew Bridgen’s EXCESS DEATHS DEBATE: Danny Kruger’s full speech

“I am reluctant to be branded a conspiracy theorist, and I still do not want to give credence to unscientific assertions, but we in this place are here to take risks—the risks of ridicule and contempt—in exchange for the privilege of being here, and I think it is right that we raise these concerns on behalf of the public, even when there is some political cost. Too many people are dying, and we must understand why.”‘:


24th April 2024: THREE YEAR ANNIVERSARY ‘Humanity on its Feet’ – Thought I’d just slip this heartwarming video of people coming together from three years ago – little or nothing shown on mainstream TV at the time of course. This scene is representative of the people watching those in power and taking to their feet to hold them to account:


28th April 2024 – This truly is a ‘MUST WATCH’ video – and we should be so grateful to Professor Dalgleish and all the other decent human beings who have done their utmost to alert the world to this extraordinary crime:


2nd May 2024 – Heartbreaking reality check for the plight of those injured and killed and the utter failure of those culpable to be held to account – this is a ‘must read’ as it sure speaks the truth (by Adam Rowland):


3rd May 2024 – Gareth Eve, whose wife was killed by the Astra Zeneca jab, flags up the end of the court case because of its hopelessness – described in The Telegraph – heartbreaking news:


Here are some previous posts on my blog to show how long it is taking Andrew Bridgen and others to get political and mainstream media attention in their call for the complete and immediate withdrawal of the covid mRNA ‘vaccines’ (there are many other references to the covid ‘pandemic’ and the plotting behind the scam and the backstory to the covid jabs in other posts on my blog but here is a good selection featuring the injuries and deaths – so how could Parliamentarians really not know about the carnage caused):

  1. 1) 13th December 2022: Parliamentary call in the UK House of Commons for the complete and immediate withdrawal of the covid mRNA ‘vaccines’ by Andrew Bridgen MP – and the subsequent parliamentary demonisation of Bridgen (including the Matt Hancock ‘Lockdown Files’): https://debbiehepplewhite.com/parliamentary-call-in-the-uk-house-of-commons-for-the-complete-and-immediate-withdrawal-of-the-covid-mrna-vaccines-december-2022/
  2. December 2022: Over 17,000 physicians and scientists from all over the world state, ‘We declare, and the data confirm, that the COVID-19 experimental genetic therapy injections must end’: https://debbiehepplewhite.com/2022-over-17000-physicians-and-scientists-from-all-over-the-world-state-we-declare-and-the-data-confirm-that-the-covid-19-experimental-genetic-therapy-injections-must-end/
  3. 11th January 2023: “The countries that suffered the most are those that have had the highest rate of vaccination – and associated, draconian mandates” (Jeffrey Peel) https://debbiehepplewhite.com/before-and-after-short-revealing-video-by-jeffrey-peel-featuring-statistics-graphs-of-covid-deaths-from-countries-all-over-the-world-before-and-after-the-experimental-injections/
  4. January 2023: Covid Vaccine Victim Awareness Month Campaign: https://debbiehepplewhite.com/the-time-for-ignorance-is-over-people-need-to-see-the-damage-thats-been-done-this-is-a-humanitarian-crisis-vaccine-injured-and-bereaved-ignored-by-the-mainstream-media-and-the-uk-parlia/
  5. March 2023: The smear campaign against ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine – How many lives has this cost? https://debbiehepplewhite.com/the-smear-campaign-against-ivermectin-and-hydroxychloroquine/
  6. March 2023: The disgrace of the BBC UNVACCINATED DOCUMENTARY: https://debbiehepplewhite.com/the-disgrace-of-the-bbc-unvaccinated-documentary-in-fact-the-disgrace-and-betrayal-of-the-bbc/
  7. 17th March 2023: 2) Disgraceful absence of parliamentarians when Andrew Bridgen MP raises the issue of covid jab injuries yet again in the House of Commons: https://debbiehepplewhite.com/disgraceful-absence-of-parliamentarians-when-andrew-bridgen-mp-raises-the-issue-of-covid-jab-injuries-and-deaths-yet-again-in-the-house-of-commons-17th-march-2023-high-time-the-uk-parliament-wa/
  8. 6th April 2023: Pfizer covid jabs for vulnerable babies from 6 months old from June 2023 – are there no limits to the lack of caution of those promoting and enabling this development? https://debbiehepplewhite.com/pfizer-covid-jabs-for-vulnerable-babies-from-6-months-old-from-june-2023-are-there-no-limits-to-the-lack-of-caution-of-those-promoting-and-enabling-this-development/
  9. April 29th 2023: Dr Tess Lawrie states on X: ‘On 21 February 2021 I noted in an affidavit that the World Health Organisation had 102,000 reports of COVID vaccine adverse drug reactions on its http://vigiaccess.org database. This week the number passed the 5,000,000 mark.  Let me repeat this because it is hard to believe. According to WHO’s own data, more than 5,000,000 people are suspected to have been harmed by the COVID vaccines. The exact number today is 5,026,245 people, including tens of thousands of deaths.’ https://twitter.com/lawrie_dr/status/1652406377870946304?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1652406377870946304%7Ctwgr%5E97ec6750ef2f31b4ba0bec3a16fc1a813ed99aa0%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fdebbiehepplewhite.com%2F3-what-next-for-andrew-bridgen-mp-after-the-conservative-party-expelled-him-on-12th-april-2023-for-the-back-story-see-parts-1-and-2%2F
  10. I flagged the above X thread up on this blog featuring, 3) ‘What next’ for Andrew Bridgen MP as he gets expelled from the Conservative Party: https://debbiehepplewhite.com/3-what-next-for-andrew-bridgen-mp-after-the-conservative-party-expelled-him-on-12th-april-2023-for-the-back-story-see-parts-1-and-2/
  11. 9th May 2023: ‘Is it safe for pregnant women to take the covid jabs?’ This was a shocking, chilling, irresponsible and damaging promotion – pregnant women were absolutely duped to take this ‘vaccine’ for the sake of their unborn babies: https://debbiehepplewhite.com/is-it-safe-for-pregnant-women-to-take-the-covid-jabs/
  12. May 2023: ‘Statins and Covid-19 ‘vaccines’ – This was a breakthrough achieved on a BBC news item – by default – by Dr Aseem Malhotra that stunned those who long since realised that the BBC was/is a propaganda branch of the Government (and others): https://debbiehepplewhite.com/statins-and-covid-19-vaccines-i-hate-calling-them-vaccines-as-the-definition-was-changed-in-the-dictionaries/
  13. 13th May 2023: TRUTH BE TOLD rally in London: https://debbiehepplewhite.com/truth-be-told-rally-in-london-may-13th-2023/
  14. Sept 2023: ‘Why are the covid jabs still being manufactured and used when there are so many injured and killed by them? Their continuation can only be considered as intentional evil and greed’: https://debbiehepplewhite.com/why-are-the-covid-jabs-still-being-manufactured-and-used-when-there-are-so-many-injured-and-killed-by-them-their-continuation-can-only-be-considered-as-intentional-evil-and-greed/
  15. Sept 2023: Rolling out covid jabs again – including for children – “unconscionable”, How can this be happening? Global figures: 17+million dead from covid jabs; 2 billion serious adverse effects: https://debbiehepplewhite.com/september-2023-rolling-out-covid-jabs-again-including-for-children-unconscionable-how-can-this-still-be-happening/
  16. 12th October 2023: ‘Modern Medicine’s Great Controversy’ – exceptional, succinct summary of the Bio-Pharmaceutical Complex by Dr Peter McCullough: https://debbiehepplewhite.com/modern-medicines-great-controversy-superb-succinct-summary-of-the-bio-pharmaceutical-complex-by-dr-peter-mccullough-this-is-a-very-important-must-watch-video-described-as-one-of-hi/
  17. 24th October 2023: UK Parliament’s response, and the BBC response – to the ‘excess deaths’ debate raised by MP Andrew Bridgen (in short – disgraceful): https://debbiehepplewhite.com/parliaments-response-and-the-bbcs-response-to-the-excess-deaths-debate-raised-by-mp-andrew-bridgen-in-short-disgraceful/
  18. November 2023: Crowdfunding to take AstraZeneca and the UK Government to court for jab-injured and bereaved – learn how the UK Government is treating the jab-injured and bereaved: https://debbiehepplewhite.com/nov-2023-crowdfunding-to-take-astrazeneca-and-the-uk-government-to-court-for-jab-injured-and-bereaved-please-please-support/
  19. November 2023: Book: ‘The Accountability Deficit: How ministers and officials evaded accountability, misled the public and violated democracy during the pandemic – plus ongoing references to the UK’s official covid inquiry: https://debbiehepplewhite.com/book-the-accountability-deficit-how-ministers-and-officials-evaded-accountability-misled-the-public-and-violated-democracy-during-the-pandemic-by-molly-kingsley-arabella-skinner-and-ben-kin/
  20. January 2024: A 9 minute video presentation by Dr Denis Rancourt – A MUST WATCH – ‘we found the vaccines are a toxic substance’: https://debbiehepplewhite.com/a-9-minute-video-presentation-by-dr-denis-rancourt-a-must-watch-unbiased-hard-data-revealing-that-there-was-no-pandemic-as-seen-from-all-cause-mortality-data-hard-scientific-fac/
  21. 16th January 2024: Andrew Bridgen MP gives his strongest and most revealing speech in the UK Parliament to date calling out the HUGE failings of the UK Government and Parliament – including their failure to investigate ‘excess deaths’. Prime Minister Rishi Sunak still claiming the covid jabs are “safe” in the House of Commons: https://debbiehepplewhite.com/16th-january-2024-andrew-bridgen-mp-gives-his-strongest-and-most-revealing-speech-in-the-uk-parliament-to-date-this-is-a-must-watch-indeed-he-really-calls-out-the-huge-failings-of-the-uk-govern/
  22. 25th January 2024: Andrew Bridgen flags up another paper- Further evidence and a call for the mRNA jabs ‘to be pulled’: https://debbiehepplewhite.com/further-evidence-and-a-call-for-the-mrna-jabs-to-be-pulled/
  23. Calls for investigating the regulators – long overdue! Listen to Mark Sexton, “They all knew, they’ve got blood on their hands” … Plus: Extremely serious letter to the Metropolitan Police from Andrew Bridgen: https://debbiehepplewhite.com/calls-for-investigating-the-regulators-long-overdue/
  24. 29th March 2024: Giving children covid vaccines is unethical and reckless – letter to pharmacy chiefs (Boots and Pharmadoctor) by Ros Jones and Professor Angus Dalgleish: https://debbiehepplewhite.com/giving-children-covid-vaccines-is-unethical-and-reckless-our-letter-to-pharmacy-chiefs-boots-and-pharmadoctor-by-ros-jones-and-professor-angus-dalgleish/
  25. 12th April 2024: “Corporate, psychopathic, tyranny” Dr Aseem Malhotra’s two-hour testimony in the Helsinki district court to expose the biggest medial crime in modern times: https://debbiehepplewhite.com/corporate-psychopathic-tyranny-dr-aseem-malhotras-two-hour-testimony-in-the-helsinki-district-court-to-expose-the-corporate-psychopathic-tyranny-of-the-biggest-medical-crime/

30 May 2024 – Paper featuring ‘midazolam deaths’:


*** 9) 18th April 2024 – ‘EXCESS DEATHS DEBATE’ – Watch Andrew Bridgen’s full speech in the UK House of Commons. They tried to cut down his speech to half the allocated time ten minutes before his presentation (to an almost empty room) – this is the despicable state of Parliament in the UK. Plus, links to extensive information about covid jab harms and deaths …

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