Read what happened in The Conservative Women – with links to the speech by Andrew Bridgen and a list of who attended and supported. Included, also, the official Government response. The BBC added written commentary during the actual speech to undermine the verifiable information that Andrew included – how can that be acceptable:

I’ve cross-referenced this post with a post (of four numbered posts) documenting the treatment of Andrew Bridgen by the Conservative Political Party (he was expelled from this party), see posts numbers 1 to 4 to follow the extraordinary developments – and to follow some of the extremely important issues Andrew has raised (or attempted to raise) in Parliament:

Here is a powerful and damning speech by Andrew Bridgen to propose a bill for a referendum regarding amendments to the World Health Organisation’s dictates:

CoviLeaks on X writes: ‘A Bill to ‘prohibit ministers of the Crown from making or implementing any legal instrument which is not consistent with the Sovereignty of the United Kingdom Parliament unless it has been approved by referendum’ has been proposed through Ten Minute Rule by MP Andrew Bridgen. We must not allow unprecedented powers to be given to unelected bureaucrats to dictate public health policy. The UK Government must uphold the integrity and Sovereignty of the British People by not agreeing to the proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations (2005) nor agreeing to sign the Pandemic Preparedness Treaty. More information about the ‘Sovereignty and Referendums Bill’ coming soon, subscribe for updates here:’

‘Petition the King’ campaign – open letter here:

Kathy Gyngell of ‘The Conservative Woman’ writes on X:

‘For all those ‘heads in the sand’ out there desperate to rubbish @ABridgen‘s command of stats. Please engage substantively with the data analysis behind it here by the @hartgroup_org team

Click on the link below for all that stats Andrew brought to the House of Commons:

Andrew Bridgen states via X: ‘Recently, I wrote to the Chief Executive Officer of the BBC to ask why, during my Adjournment Debate on Trends in Excess Deaths in the House of Commons on 20th October, they displayed editorial notes on screen without warning or justification. You can see my letter below.’

Evidence of increasing jab hesitancy:

There are numerous doctors and scientists across the world stating that ‘CV19 mRNA Vaccines Were Meant to Harm and Kill People’ – Dr Michael Palmer is yet another:

Data for post-vaccine deaths in Israel, Andrew Bridgen asks, again, ‘Why are the Covid 19 ‘vaccines’ not suspended worldwide pending an investigation?’

A BBC Spokesperson apologises to Andrew Bridgen – what next?

Molly Kingsley flags up the BBC apology – I’ve added this link below to see how people respond to this issue – it’s looking like Andrew Bridgen is getting an international profile because of his challenges in the UK Parliament:

Andrew Bridgen himself describes the BBC response as ‘…almost an apology’:

‘Cause unknown’ and they’re not doing the autopsies – and are they doing the autopsies of excess deaths in the UK?

Covid jab deaths in Japan:

Dr Peter McCullough referring to autopsies writes: ‘For sudden unexpected death with no antecedent terminal illness the etiology is most likely a fatal COVID-19 vaccine injury among those who took one or more shots. Hulscher et al 2023. Insurance claims should link to vaccine data for temporal and cumulative exposure.’

Click on this link below to see the findings:

Jabs for babies in Canada…

Wayne Cunnington via X: ‘Sudden deaths and Incapacitations of Pilots whilst in flight, a pretty shocking list and these are just this year on the page. Why wouldn’t their own regulatory body look into the serious health problems experienced by pilots??’

Dr Stephen and Charlotte Wright

Charlotte explains “Stephen was only 32 years old. He was everything to us. He worked in an amazing career, helping vulnerable children, and worked his way to Senior Clinical Psychologist for Great Ormond Street Hospital in just 4 short years of being a qualified doctor. He also ran his own private practice and specifically learned how to be part of the team to diagnose Autism which he planned on doing some pro-bono work to help those move quicker through the huge queues on the NHS. Even with all his responsibilities as the main breadwinner (I was on maternity leave from my job when he died) he still came home and helped with the kids in between his two jobs and supported me in every single way. As one of the first to die from this vaccine;Stephen’s loss has had a devastating impact on us as a whole family; emotionally and financially. My sons will have to grow up without their father from a very young age, which has had a profound effect on their lives and development, and the long term affect is unfathomable. We continue to suffer emotional trauma fighting to be heard and for the vaccine injured and bereaved families to finally get justice. We will never give up, but we need your help”

3rd January 2024 – Florida Surgeon General Calls for Complete Halt of COVID-19 Vaccines:

Thread featuring news about the Florida Surgeon General call for complete halt:

***5) UK Parliament’s response, and the BBC’s response – to the ‘excess deaths’ debate raised by MP Andrew Bridgen (in short – disgraceful)

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