
‘Yesterday on the Mayan “day out of time” I had a memorable experience watching former politician Andrew Bridgen give a heartfelt and very personal talk on corruption in Britain. The location was Peterlee, which shares the status of having lost its mining industry with Andrew’s constituency of North West Leicestershire. He is a man who experienced material success in many forms, started to see the falsehood of the “official reality construct”, spoke out when no others in authority would do so, and refused to be bought off or silenced. His totemic causes are the Horizon IT scandal with the Post Office, and excess deaths from Covid policy interventions. In both cases exposure of the cover-up taints core governmental and legal institutions.’ (Martin Geddes, July 26, 2024)

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Some previous posts featuring the efforts of Andrew Bridgen and colleagues in the UK House of Commons – numbered 1, 2, 3, 4 up to 10:

***10) July 2024 – What next for former MP Andrew Bridgen? Martin Geddes writes admiringly, ‘Andrew Bridgen: – a modern day Job?’

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