This is an important development that many people have been wondering about – Andrew Bridgen’s next steps. Not only has Andrew declared his move to the Reclaim Party (10th May 2023) after years of being a Conservative, he has also confirmed his intention to sue Matt Hancock for defamation. Watch this space – as the saying goes…

Andrew Bridgen describes his reasons for joining the Reclaim Party rather than the Reform Party:

I hope Esther McVey MP will be next to reconsider whether she stays with the Conservative Party or not – she’s on the side of the people:

On the point of principle of using a holocaust slur to shut down Andrew Bridgen, this action deserves support:

Laurence Fox, leader of the Reclaim Party, comments on the Government’s appalling failure to acknowledge and discuss excess deaths and treatment of Andrew Bridgen:

Do read this – the way forwards for a different and fairer political system away from the ‘Duopoly’ of the Labour and Conservative Parties:

Brits dying in higher than average numbers and yet Andrew Bridgen has been vilified and expelled from the Conservative Party for raising the issue of jab injured and killed, and excess deaths, in Parliament. It’s clear to many people that the Government, indeed Parliament, daren’t or don’t want to open the Pandora’s Box:


Those who oppose Andrew Bridgen never seem to say they’ve looked at the research he has flagged up, nor do they seem to bring research findings to the table, instead, they just badmouth him one way or another:

The vaccine trials were a ‘complete fraud’:

Who is accountable:

Andrew Bridgen raises the issue of the ‘BBC Verify’ programme and asks the question who checks the fact checkers. But listen to Penny Mordaunt’s response – gaslighting at its finest:

Avoiding the truth and the consequences:

Short speech:

Response to Andrew Bridgen’s proposed Child Protection Bill:

Turning a blind eye:

The cost of decarbonising our transport system – the answer is over 1,500 billion pounds:

Still no parliamentary debate on excess deaths:

More evidence that the BBC ‘news’ does not consist of quality or fair journalism – the BBC is more akin to a propaganda organisation nowadays. I have long since noted that even by the act of ‘omission’, the BBC does not give the British public a quality and fair overview of what is happening in the UK or across the world:

Why did Matt Hancock choose to ignore the precautionary professional advice about the use of midazolam:

Short video clip with a strong message from Pascal Najadi meeting Andrew Bridgen for the first time. Pascal placed criminal charges against the Swiss president for vaccine injuries and the president had to resign:

August 2023 – update from Andrew Bridgen in conversation with Richard Vobes – describing how to date there is no official parliamentary response to the serious issues he has raised in Parliament. This really is a disgraceful rogue Parliament indeed – do watch the conversation:

And with this timing of August 2023, I’ve started a new post featuring Dr Denis Rancourt’s presentation of data analysis of excess deaths – it’s looking like 13 million people have died internationally following the successive roll-out of covid jabs in various countries. Meanwhile, the UK Government is still promoting/enabling the roll-out of the next round of covid jabs for the elderly and unhealthy. Collins’ English Dictionary definition of ‘democide’ is:  ‘the killing of members of a country’s civilian population as a result of its government’s policy, including by direct action, indifference, and neglect. So whether intentional (direct action), indifferent or neglectful, the UK Government is surely culpable of democide with the increasing evidence of jab harms and deaths across the world including in the UK:

Is UK’s unelected Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak, invested financially in Moderna, or links to Moderna – or not? This is a hugely important question/issue, because if this is the case, it suggests his promotion of the covid jabs and insistence on them being ‘safe and effective’ (which we now know they are not) could be influenced in his vested interests. Further could this explain why the Conservative Party has expelled Andrew Bridgen rather than look into the very serious concerns he has raised about the jabs safety, about jab injuries and deaths, about excess deaths, about the WHO world power grab:

At least this question that Andrew Bridgen has asked in the House of Commons will be in the Hansard record – watch this very short video clip:

Andrew Bridgen asks the question why it took 11 years after the withdrawal of the harmful drug, Thalidomide, from the UK market, for the House of Commons to allow a debate on this issue and get compensation for the victims?

Andrew Bridgen writes to the UK Prime Minster, Rishi Sunak, yet again – this time with 40 pages of evidence that the original Pfizer jab content was swapped to enable the required global scale of manufacture:

Andrew Bridgen talking in public about the sexualisation of our children from the youngest of ages – and the lack of concern of UK parliamentarians:

5th October 2023 – Andrew Bridgen on X: “Dr John Campbell interviews Dr Josh Guetzkow on the Pfizer ‘bait and switch’of the vaccines. Josh’s evidence was the basis of my letter to the PM on 7th August. I am still awaiting a reply.”

CoviLeaks on X writes: ‘Andrew Bridgen will be addressing the public on Friday 20th October in Parliament Square, after the debate on excess deaths. Please gather from 2 PM to support Andrew as it has taken 9 MONTHS for the government to accept this debate & by having it on a Friday afternoon (strategic move by the government) it means it will not be well attended by MPs. The commons should be FULL with all 650 MPs! Write to your MPs to tell them they must attend this debate; DEMAND THEY DO THEIR DUTY!’

I’ve started a post featuring Andrew Bridgen’s speech in Parliament (allowed after 20 attempts) – what a disgraceful carry on:

***4) MP Andrew Bridgen’s new beginning with the Reclaim Party…

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