I really hope that all UK citizens wake up and make an effort to learn about this vile power grab (my unapologetic terminology as I do consider this scenario to be vile and a global power grab). This is not a small issue – it’s really, really HUGE with implications that are truly Orwellian and off-the-scale of potential horror.

I personally wish the UK would withdraw from the WHO completely.

Andrew Bridgen flags up his speech via X:

‘I spoke in the debate in Parliament, following a petition signed by 116,000 members of the public, for a debate on the proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations which would give more power to unelected officials at the WHO’

Please note: There is a wealth of further important information which is provided by people who respond to Andrew’s X post, please look through those too:


The link below is to another thread on my blog which sets the scene to this latest development. It’s important to appreciate the back story of the parliamentary debate on 18th December 2023:


The short, very rational, very clear contribution of Philip Davies MP (Shipley) in the parliamentary debate:


***PLEASE NOTE THIS VERY SERIOUS ISSUE: Danny Kruger MP raises an incredibly important point in his short contribution to the debate… First of all, he notes just how very few parliamentarians are showing any interest/concern in the issue of retaining (guaranteeing) UK sovereignty with regard to the proposed amendments of the WHO (which is very worrying indeed – why is this the case?) – but then he goes on to point out that, in any event, the UK Parliament itself has not been accountable in response to the Covid-19 pandemic. He refers to the thoroughly referenced book for which he wrote the Afterword, ‘The Accountability Deficit’ (by Molly and Ben Kingsley, and Arabella Skinner) which illustrates this shameful lack of governmental and parliamentary accountability.

So EVEN IF UK sovereignty is made safe as the WHO pursues its global power grab, there is still no guarantee that the UK Parliament will accountably discharge its duty for the British people in any (current and) future health scenarios:


The short contribution of Sir John Redwood MP (Wokingham) in the parliamentary debate including multiple ‘Why?’ questions regarding the various responses to the pandemic in the UK:


The short contribution of Mark Francois MP making it clear that he, and constituents, are very concerned about the proposed amendments of the WHO:


Video of the full debate – with a transcript available:


Well done Sir Christopher Chope – his points make it really clear that the WHO is incompetent, unaccountable and corrupted:

Kat A points out: ‘Sir Christopher Chope strikes at the heart of the matter when it comes to entrusting the WHO with the centralised power to coordinate pandemics.

How can anyone trust an organisation predominantly influenced by Bill Gates/Big Pharma and Marxist ideology.

An organisation that suddenly advised lockdowns against its own previous pandemic guidelines.

An organisation that denied effective treatments like ivermectin in order to promote vaccines.

An organisation thereby responsible for millions of deaths. All governments need to look skeptically at the work of the WHO which is influenced by external political factors rather than the science.’


***PLEASE NOTE: Here is some information regarding the smear campaign against both ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine:


genisg1965 writes via X:

‘AWAKE YET? Come May this year, the WHO will be put in charge by our governments. Full control with unlimited power. The very people who jabbed up all these folks with the death shots. LET THAT SINK IN!’

And links to a very short video by Dr Ahmad Malik @DocAhmadMalik who writes:

‘No one had informed consent. Not one single person out of all the billions of doses given. Incredible.’


A group of Pan-African academics challenge the plans of the World Health Organisation – do click on the link below and read their arguments and intentions:

‘1/: This is an account of a group of African academics mobilising against the recolonisation of Africa through the proposed WHO pandemic treaty and IHR Regulations. Our opening statement follows:’


9th February 2024 – Andrew Bridgen at the Norwegian Parliament:

‘I’m at the Norwegian Parliament to meet politicians to discuss the dangers of the WHO power grab. I arrived late last night, and it was a chilly -22°C!’


1st March 2024 – Watch this important three minute video describing the unacceptable intentions of the WHO flagged up by Kat A:

‘In only a few minutes Wayne Maxim Thring MP torched the WHO Pandemic Treaty/Amendments at a virtual meeting of South African Parliament today. Describing them as an autocratic dictatorial move towards a one world government removing sovereignty and setting humanity into a new era strangely organised around pandemics. He called on all members to reject this power grab!!’

Very interesting and noteworthy that Wayne Maxim Thring actually referenced Phillip Davies, MP, who raised his (same) concerns very explicitly in the UK Parliament:


1st April 2024 – Letter to Dr Tedros from UsForThem:

‘Our letter, sent today to the director-general of the @WHO@DrTedros in response to his repeated smearing of those raising legitimate concerns about the anti-democratic impact of the WHO’s expansionist pandemic management proposals. 

“You appear repeatedly to have misdirected or misled the press and the public by confining your defensive comments specifically to the Pandemic Agreement, when clearly you must know that there are two documents under negotiation and that it is the IHR Amendments which have drawn the greatest criticisms.” “Your repeated claims that no sovereignty could be ceded by these agreements appears to be flatly contradicted by the November 2023 words of Lawrence Gostin, Director of the WHO Collaborating Centre … [who has been] refreshingly open about the fact that the proposals ‘may require all states to forgo some level of sovereignty in exchange for enhanced safety and fairness’.” “We find it difficult to understand how the WHO’s most senior official could get this wrong. When you made those statements, were you negligently uninformed, or were you being deliberately deceptive?”’

21st April 2024 – Update commentary by Jim Ferguson via X:

‘Latest Pandemic Treaty draft has gaping holes because they daren’t reveal what they plan to do The latest draft of the Pandemic Treaty proposed by WHO’s Intergovernmental Negotiating Body is an admission of failure so significant that they are suggesting nations sign an incomplete document.’

Read on:


***6) 18th Dec 2023: The ‘International Health Regulations Amendments Debate in Westminster Hall’ (including Andrew Bridgen’s speech) on the vile overreach – the slippery global power grab – of the World Health Organisation (WHO)

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