Take a look, read the responses too:
BBC UNVACCINATED DOCUMENTARY – With all of the news that’s coming out regarding risks from the C O V I D V A X, I thought I would bring back my greatest achievement: Being one of the first people to warn the public about the risks and harms from the V A X on mainstream media,… pic.twitter.com/8aRONZsgmh
— Nazarin Veronica (@nazarinveronica) March 15, 2023
My blog is packed with information about the ‘pandemic’ and responses to it. How much of this information (including important international developments) have we seen on the BBC?
So how shallow, how impoverished, how skewed, how misleading is the news and commentary programmes that we see on the BBC?
How much amounts to propaganda rather than transparency and information for the watcher?
Today we are witnessing the burning of billions of doses of covid vaccines around the world 🌍 because no one wants them.
— Mislav Kolakusic MEP 🇭🇷🇪🇺 (@mislavkolakusic) March 15, 2023
It would have been better if we had burned them all immediately and thus saved the health and lives of many citizens.❗️ pic.twitter.com/B4V9ArGIzg
I now have several posts on my blog documenting jab injuries and deaths in the UK and across the world. How can it be that there is so much available to learn about via Twitter and virtual silence – absence of information – via the BBC news and documentaries?
Page 22 and 23 of the @Daily_Express today featuring @CarolinePover @DrBuckland by @kathopps
— UKCVFAMILY (@ukcvfamily) March 16, 2023
Please go and buy a physical copy and support the campaign ❤️@Alex27740737 @scottish_vig @irish_cv_clan @React19org @VIBUK1 pic.twitter.com/A6DDi96BVF
It is common to hear reference to the ‘Midazolam Murders’ via alternative media, surely this issue (see below) is really important to investigate for any serious journalistic organisation (which the BBC purports to be and even advertises itself as such)? Perhaps the BBC will do so ten years in the future?
Sadly, many more people may have, in effect, been euthanised by then – whether through design or by accident or sheer ignorance?
My latest article. I offered this story to three national papers but didn’t get a reply. Isn’t this a huge matter of public interest? It seems the MSM don’t think so! https://t.co/McdjXFkY5e
— Jacqui Deevoy (@JacquiDeevoy1) March 16, 2023
I wonder what the BBC journalists would make of this claim based on the findings?
"We compared [Covid vax to other vaxes] & what we've seen is CATASTROPHIC. It's a Danger signal…58-fold increase in miscarriage…why are they risking the future of All Humanity?" Dr James Thorpepic.twitter.com/JCjNBhdQEf
— Natural Immunity FTW (@NaturallyFTW) March 16, 2023
See this absolutely shocking, extraordinary development – the BBC has gone full, blatant, propaganda, mind manipulation – they are the disinformation, misinformationists! BIG TIME:
Omg… The BBC no longer even trying to disguise that they are going to tell YOU WHAT TO THINK.
— Bev Turner 🌸 (@beverleyturner) May 22, 2023
The absolute lies that they told during the plandemic have eroded all of the trust millions of people used to have in them.@mariannaspring is the worst type of 'journalist' :… https://t.co/caeDFIyhLZ
I’m adding this below to show the range of responses to Marianna’s announcement about ‘BBC Verify’:
Welcome to BBC Verify! I chatted to BBC Breakfast about it.
— Marianna Spring (@mariannaspring) May 22, 2023
Everything from interrogating social media feeds using undercover accounts and investigating real-world impact of mistruths, hate and conspiracy movements to piecing together what’s happening with satellite imagery. pic.twitter.com/4OoaiCd4ah
And check out the link from here:
On the day that the BBC announces it's 'misinformation strategy' I was reminded of how the organisation censored, smeared and ignored over 100, 000 NHS employees who declined vaccines and censored those speaking out against the narrative.https://t.co/oUdc83ModD
— Scotpath (@scotpath) May 22, 2023
The BBC delivers the Government’s propaganda – it’s all coming out now: