Dr Peter McCullough has this to say (and do read the responses):

‘Does Dr. Birx know the proximal origin of the current bird flu outbreak is a government research lab? Why is she pushing for mass PCR testing of healthy livestock to drive up the false positive case count in animals? Could it be to force for both veterinary and human H5N1 vaccination? https://preprints.org/manuscript/202406.0060/v1


Below is a thread featuring mass PCR testing used to push the narrative of large numbers of cases of covid-19:


7 June 2024 – Dr Denis Rancourt states:

They are rolling out another PCR pandemic

The new virus will be found to spread globally by testing sewage, milk, farm animals… The PCR test will be said to detect a specific molecular sequence, without ever demonstrating specificity or calibration using a pure standard sample of the computer-inferred molecular fragment … not to mention demonstrating that the said molecular fragment is uniquely associated with a new pathogen All development will be performed for profit, without any cumbersome independent validation, since professional independence was abolished decades ago The cure will be patented mRNA vaccines, which will not need to be safe or effective, because pandemic Thus, health and the food supply will be protected (some sarcasm)’


10 June 2024 – Watch the short video and read the responses to Kat A stating this via X:

‘Historically Avian flu is not easily transmitted between humans and Dr Kelly Victory is certain the only way that changes is if it has been manipulated in a lab.

She is appalled by the unnecessary culling of millions of birds/cattle for a problem that can be solved by allowing for the natural process of herd immunity. Not to mention a dire warning against the dangers of mass vaccination which will only drive mutation, increase the resistance of the virus and cause more carnage.

Have we learnt nothing’


11 June 2024 – Sandra Whedon points out this information:

‘BIRD FLU EU securing 40 MILLION doses, the U.K. to securing ‘preventative vaccine doses?’ Here we go!’

With reference to this article:

‘The doses are intended for those most exposed to the virus, such as poultry farm workers and veterinarians. The United States, Canada AND BRITAIN are also in the process of securing preventative vaccine doses.’


11 June 2024 – Liz Churchill flags up this statement:

“I can point out that the statement made by the World Health Organization is pretty bad…since it speaks of a fatal case of ‘Bird Flu’ which was NOT the case…”

Jorge Alcocer, Health Secretary of Mexico CALLING OUT WHO for LYING.


17 June 2024 – Wide Awake Media flags up this development in Australia:

‘Australian MSM: “There are fears of an egg shortage in Melbourne… after a bird flu outbreak at a farm.”

“The farm has been placed in quarantine and 400,000 birds have been euthanised to prevent a wider outbreak.”

Make no mistake: “Bird flu” is just a pretext to cripple farmers, manufacture food shortages and roll out ever more experimental mRNA injections. Just like with “Covid”, it has nothing to with an alleged virus.’


17 June 2024 – Dr Peter McCullough notes:

‘When we are told a bird or mammal “tested positive” for H5N1 we better hear the cycle threshold value (should be < 38 ct) and the results of confirmatory testing.

False positive mass testing on farms is expected with the VetMax Test controlled by government agents.’


17 June 2024 – Camus raises this issue:

‘It looks as though H5N1, also known as “bird flu,” might just be the next “pandemic” the globalists are planning to unleash – thanks, in part, to a $9.5 million grant the Gates Foundation awarded to the University of Wisconsin – Madison to make H5N1 transmissible to humans and other mammals.

The McCullough Foundation, a project of Dr. Peter McCullough, tweeted that the Gates Foundation gave the $9.5 million to UW-Madison and principal investigator Yoshihiro Kawaoka to modify, possibly through gain-of-function tampering, H5N1 so it will “preferentially recognize human-type receptors and transmit efficiently in mammals.” Much like bat coronaviruses, which we now know were modified in a lab to jump from bats to humans,

H5N1 infects birds in its natural state. Building upon the research of Ron Fouchier, who previously modified H5N1 to become airborne transmissible in ferrets, UW-Madison and Kawaoka’s research provides two additional mutations that are needed to make Egyptian H5N1 produce “variants” that have mammalian “transmissibility features.”

“This indicates that the @gatesfoundation funded bioterrorist-like activities involving H5N1, providing blueprints for other bad actors who may want to create a bioweapon,” tweeted the McCullough Foundation about these disturbing new revelations


20 June 2024 – Video flagged up by Concerned Citizen:

Bird Flu Australia

Another alleged outbreak at a Sydney Farm means up to another 100,000 chickens will be exterminated – this puts Australia at MORE than 1 Million chicken culled now. They’re attacking farmers They’re attacking food sources They’re going to try & vaccinate you all again’


Camus flags up this development (and see the responses!):

‘FOX 11 airs segment calling for farmers to be vaccinated to stop bird flu:

“What Finland’s doing is to vaccinate the high risk farm workers. We already have H5N1 vaccine stockpiled in this country specifically for this reason. We need to use it. We need to nip this in the bud before the virus gets used to transmitting between humans and becoming very good at it.”‘


21 June 2024 – Flagged up by Wide Awake Media:

“They’re using this to shut down the food supply.”

“This whole bird flu scare is a total fraud. When they say that they run PCR tests, and they found bird flu in cows, or chickens, or humans, or anything, it’s a complete fraud. There is no diagnostic capability of PCR.”

“So what they do is they roll into some giant chicken farm… and they swab a couple of chickens, and they put it on the PCR machine, and they crank it up and they say: ‘Oh, we found bird flu in this chicken farm’. And what do they say you gotta do? Kill four million chickens.”

“This is being used to shut down the food supply, drive up food inflation, increase food scarcity, and then to scare people into the next round of Covid.” — Mike Adams, founder of Natural News.


26 June 2024 – More information and responses flagged up by Dr Tess Lawrie:

‘Dr Meryl Nass making sense of bird flu non-sense… ‘


16 July 2024 – Alarm raised by whistleblower re experiments on animals with mRNA jabs. Camus writes:

A Texas rancher has come forward to blow the whistle and expose efforts by the federal government to spike the U.S. food supply with mRNA vaccines. Rancher Trevor Cowley revealed during an interview that the feds have been experimenting on livestock by injecting animals destined for the food supply with mRNA shots.

Cowley told the “Real Business Owners” podcast that Democrat President Joe Biden’s Department of Agriculture (USDA) has been running secret trials on animals.

However, a huge percentage of the livestock that received the injections has died. “The USDA came out with a study on pigs because pigs were the first to be trialed with the mRNA vaccines,” Cowley revealed.

“They did a trial with 500 pigs. “Within the first couple of weeks, they had about 100 of them die.”

“They analyzed the pigs after they had died,” he added. “They were still finding traces of the vaccine inside the meat.”

However, Cowly notes that the federal government is not only using the “bird flu” narrative to push mRNA vaccines into the food supply.

He also explained that the federal government is now pushing for mandatory ID chipping of cattle in response to the “bird flu” outbreak. It comes after the Biden admin previously failed to implement ID chipping due to a massive public backlash.


20 August 2024 – About monkeypox – Truth Justice flags up David Martin’s information:

MONKEYPOX THE COVER STORY: In 2021 NTI predicts a laboratory engineered vaccine resistant Monkeypox outbreak with 271 Million deaths. This is a coverup for the fatalities of the Covid injected. WHO is a criminal organization led by Bill Gates, Rockefellers and the Wellcome Trust.’


Jim Ferguson on Monkeypox:

‘Breaking: The alarm bells are ringing louder than ever: “Around 27,000 people in the Congo have been diagnosed with Monkeypox.” This isn’t just a health crisis—it’s a terrifying signal that the globalists may be gearing up for their next move. The viral image of the Mpox sufferer is spreading like wildfire across the internet, seeding fear and panic worldwide. But is this all part of a larger, sinister plan? We’ve seen this playbook before. The manufactured hysteria, the relentless media coverage, and the growing whispers of another lockdown—all eerily familiar. Could this be the prelude to another round of draconian measures? Are we on the brink of facing more forced lockdowns and mandatory vaccinations, not just in one nation, but across the globe? The pattern is clear: instill fear, then swoop in with “solutions” that strip away more of our freedoms. The globalists seem intent on pushing us into submission, using any crisis they can manufacture to further their agenda. We must remain vigilant, question the narrative, and stand firm against any attempts to erode our rights under the guise of “public health.” This may just be the beginning of a new wave of control.’


***June 2024 – And now ‘Bird Flu’ (are we surprised) … read about the events and the responses … and experiments on farm animals with mRNA jabs – and what next about ‘Monkeypox’ …

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