9th March 2025: Dr Sherri Tenpenny links to a video and states:

The European Court of Justice ruled that doctors who pushed or administered the COVID injections are solely responsible for the consequences—because they were free to refuse. No hiding behind pharma. No blaming the government.

Accountability is knocking, and it won’t stop at Europe’s door. Doctors in America, take note. Your turn is coming. Willful ignorance won’t be a defense.


One of the many responses:

‘Don’t you just love this? The corruptocrats who foisted this upon us, who hounded, ridiculed, oppressed, fired and ruined everyone who dared speak out, NOW want only those who they forced to perform their dirty deeds to be the ones who are accountable. Oh there’s great truth in the claim that the entire medical establishment was complicit and I agree with that. But this attempt by the elites to avoid their own accountability is obvious and dastardly and infuriating. They should all hang for this mass murder.’

Debbie: Was the jab roll-out and associated coercion ‘mass murder‘? Well, millions of people have died and many more injured – of course not all of these will be ‘with intent’, some will be ‘with ignorance’, some will be with ‘wilful blindness’, and some will be the consequence of a form of ‘doubling down’ – unable to face up to the crime against humanity and being swept up in the world’s greatest manipulation and trashing of every sensible point of principle (medical, ethical, moral) developed over centuries.

Looking like a fight of good versus evil. And there are certainly many people and organisations in the world looking decidedly ‘evil’.

***March 2025: ‘The European Court of Justice ruled that doctors who pushed or administered the COVID injections are solely responsible for the consequences—because they were free to refuse. No hiding behind pharma. No blaming the government. Accountability is knocking, and it won’t stop at Europe’s door. Doctors in America, take note. Your turn is coming. Willful ignorance won’t be a defense.’ Dr Sherri Tenpenny

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