14th Sept 2024 – Andrew Bridgen on X writes:

“The only oil refinery in Scotland is to close next year and the last steel plant in the UK is closing now. We will be reliant on imports but of course under the madness of the carbon footprint calculations the carbon will then count on the exporting country. Net zero is madness and will lead to net zero manufacturing jobs in the UK. We can’t all just sit at home selling each other insurance. We have to make something.”


15th Sept 2024 – I have posted previously about the exemplary work and effort of ex-policeman Mark Sexton regarding holding the previous government and parliament to account re the covid crimes. See his latest work and suggestions for those of us who believe the current government and parliament also need to be held to account for their excesses and greed – and failure to work in service to the people:

Mark Attwood introduces Mark’s work thus:

“I am posting this on behalf of ex British Policeman, Mark Sexton @XPCBirmingham for many reasons, not least of which I think this route he is taking against tyranny, whilst very different to mine, is a route that needed to be taken. If it resonates with you, please share it on X, and download the video, copy and paste, and repost everywhere you can. Here’s Mark’s message: It’s been 40 days exactly and we’ve had no acknowledgment from King Charles III to the petitions sent by many thousands of us. Please watch the video, then click on the links and read in order 1, 2, and then 3. Link 4 is the original eight page petition we sent to the king, attached here for information and reference, also for those who have never seen or read it before. Share this far and wide every household across the nation needs to be made aware giving them the choice of actioning this or not.”

1, https://host.alliance.li/article-61

2, https://host.alliance.li/manifesto-nation

3, https://host.alliance.li/bill-treasury

4, https://host.alliance.li/king-charles


The link immediately below leads to a previous post featuring Mark Sexton (and Andrew Bridgen) working to hold those in the highest authority to account:


18th Sept 2024 – I thought I’d add Molly Kingsley’s comments about a recent report that has been published on the health (or otherwise) of Europe. Molly writes (with links to the report):

“Every time I think I couldn’t be more shocked by the dystopian reality of British ‘public health’ policy and its associated ecosystem, something else comes along to knock me off my chair. This time, it’s the turn of the ‘sick man of Europe report’ released yesterday.

Read on… This is the @IPPR study, widely reported in yesterday’s press, denouncing Britain as the sick man of Europe. The report picked out a number of shocking statistics, including:

*900,000 more workers recorded off work sick compared to pre-pandemic expectations

*The UK now lags other comparable countries on key health outcomes, including life expectancy, child mortality, obesity

*the number of people with serious health issues is rising steeply. Indeed, looking at rates of attendance in NHS settings of more than four hours, a key NHS metric, the study found a dramatic increase which started in April 2021.

I spent much of yesterday bemused by the lack of critical commentary surrounding the report.

Whilst it was quick to identify food, tobacco and alcohol as key drivers of the nation’s rising ill-health, there was conspicuously no analysis of whether mRNA vaccines could be playing a role, an omission which struck me as odd given 1) that, as anyone who hasn’t had their head buried deliberately under a molehill for the last 3 years will know, there has been a rising trend in long term sickness starting in spring 2021 when the C19 vaccines were rolled out to the working aged population, and that there are a ton of manufacturer-documented conditions, many serious, with which the C19 vaccines are now to a greater or lesser degree, associated and 2) that one of the charts identified by the report – total attendance in NHS settings of more than four hours – shows a steep rise precisely from April 2021 (graph attached).

There I was puzzling over why this report contained such nuggets as this “We need a healthy industrial strategy. Part of that will be about what we need to transition away from – and how we innovate, to ensure industries like food or alcohol do not thrive only at the expense of our health“, while conspicuously making not a single inquisitive reference to the possibility of pharmaceutical use also being a contributing factor. And then I flicked back through the report, and glaring out at me from page 1 was my answer. Listed prominently as ‘stakeholders’ to the report are none other than AstraZeneca, Pfizer and Johnson&Johnson. Seriously, you couldn’t make it up”.”


***Sept 2024: Some developments in the UK since the new Labour Government took power…

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