22 July 2024 – James Melville describes how so many people are feeling across Europe – and yet little to nothing of these various protests are shown via mainstream media (unless presented as ‘far right’ with a dismissive bias). James writes:

‘People are fed up. That’s why mass protests have been happening across Europe over the past 4 years. They are not “far-right” or “conspiracy theorists” – it’s because they are fed up of the cost of living crisis, having their freedoms and livelihoods destroyed by nefarious governments, patronised by unelected technocratic institutions, smeared and patronised by corporate media and fleeced by greedy corporations. They are being treated like serfs for the greed and indulgences of corporatist fiefdoms.

Infrastructures are rotting, extortionate prices for basic essential commodities, public assets destroyed and sold off to the highest bidder, freedoms are being reduced and yet, all of this is wrapped around the biggest transfer of wealth to the super-rich and mega corporations in history.

And their own governments (who they pay tax to) facilitated this. The worst return on investment ever.

The concerns and voices of millions of people have been ignored and undermined for far too long and quite understandably, they have had enough of political uniparty corporatism and are now making their voices heard through mass protests and also at the ballot box.

It’s not “far-right”. It’s fed up.’


***July 2024 – ‘It’s not “far right”. It’s fed up’ by James Melville – correct!

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